Thoughts on a Monday

Monday, May 13, 2013

This weekend was full of ups and downs, and left me feeling confused and a little disoriented. It was good, don't get me wrong, but we had a few unexpected things happen on Saturday that just cast a haze over the whole weekend for us. Saturday also involved two soccer games, only one of which I attended because the heat was just too much for me in my pregnant state. I actually got a sunburn on my shoulders from Mila's game, which I didn't expect. But I get a sunburn every year at the beginning of the season because I don't realize how easily I'll burn.

We tried to blow up the inflatable pool in the backyard, but it looks like the pool got a couple holes while being stored in the garage, so while B took Ben to his last soccer game of the season, I got out two big tubs that we usually keep toys in, filled them up with water in the driveway, and Mila and Olivia spent hours playing in them. They even had a water gun fight with some neighbor boys. They enjoyed being in their swimsuits, and I stayed inside and had some nice quiet time to myself. I am finally not feeling guilty that I'm not getting something done at any given moment in time, and am taking some time to relax before this baby comes. I just don't have the energy for it all anymore, and all I want above anything else is to go to the hospital and meet. this. baby! The birthing part still makes me nervous, but I love how you get so uncomfortable at the end that labor seems like a good idea all of a sudden.

I haven't mentioned this before, but I have been getting my blood drawn every four weeks at my OB checkups because my platelet count is low, and it has been dipping lower and lower at each checkup. The number it's at now is making me nervous, but there's nothing they can do about it except be prepared. It just basically means I could bleed out easier than the average person because my body could have a harder time clotting and stopping blood flow. I would sooo appreciate prayers about this, and I am just going to trust God that He's in control and He will take care of me.

We ended Saturday by getting our favorite pizza at Louie's--half pizza margherita (my favorite) and half pizza pollo Toscana (B's favorite)--and getting our moms gifts and flowers. I just love Saturdays and getting to have fun all day and get things done with my other half by my side. Everything is funner when we're doing it together.

On Sunday I had a huge breakfast in bed, and opened all the sweet handmade gifts the kids had made for me. They love making things for me, and I love that they know how much I treasure things their two little hands have made. Then the family went off to church while I stayed home and had some quiet time by myself. I made handmade cards for our moms and my sister, wrapped their gifts, and wrapped their flowers up all pretty in tissue paper and ribbon (I forgot to get pictures--dang it), and we all headed off for lunch with my parents, my in-laws, and my sister and her family. We spent the evening at home, and B made me take a walk with him and the kids that I really didn't want to go on. He really wants to get this baby out of me. It was pretty torturous and sweaty, and my back and stomach hurt with each step, but it failed to get this baby out. It seems like it's never going to happen!

A few recent items to note:
  •  I was at a BBQ at my sister-in-laws on Friday when I started getting contractions, so I went home early because they were getting more and more painful. I thought for sure it was time to head to the hospital, and I called B to come home from work asap because this was it. By the time I showered, however, and he came home, the contractions had subsided. It was about two solid hours of contractions, and then...gone. So disappointing. I love that B was really disappointed, though. It was cute that he was excited to meet our baby. :)
  • I am so emotional these days, I can't wait to feel like myself again. B and I had a fight because of lunch plans on Friday and I was sooo upset all day until we figured it out that evening. I feel like I'm being way too clingy and needy, and I definitely don't want to be that person.
  • Our kids love to be the one to pray out loud over our food when we eat, especially Olivia. That's just her thing. And they love it so much, even though it's always the same few words. It's kind of cute and not cute at the same time, because it causes a fight before every meal.
  • Olivia has been so affectionate lately, and has been kissing my hand, or my thigh, or whatever she can reach at random times. Perfect timing for Mother's Day.
  • My house is completely purged and free of all clutter, which I am loving. It hasn't felt this clean and organized since we moved in 7 years ago, and we only have what we need. Now to keep it that way. I have realized I need to live with less, and it will actually make me happier.
  • I have been reading so much lately. It's really destressing for me, and it relaxes me and helps me sleep--all good things. I finished one book since War and Peace already and am working on my third book of the year (my goal is 12 a year). I'm excited about all the downtime I will have while feeding the baby because I get to catch up on my magazines, books, and blogs.
  • I fit into maybe 4 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans (all my skirts are too tight in the waist), so I will be so glad to be able to wear normal clothes again. I need a bit more variety in my life, and I miss dressing for fun.
  • A good friend is in Europe right now for a month, and my sister will be leaving to Hawaii soon for several weeks. I am definitely not in a place to go anywhere right now, but I'm still jealous.
  • Ben is an origami addict, and he basically knows how to make anything you want. He is always on the computer or on some phone app making something.
  • B and I are really wanting to do a juice cleanse after seeing Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead last night. We have been watching food documentaries on Netflix lately, and they have really changed our outlook on the way we eat. Food Matters and Hungry for Change are the other two we've seen.
The Paint by Numbers above is something I started probably two years ago now, and I finally sat down and thoroughly enjoyed finishing it today! Now that a lot of really pressing things are off my to-do list, I find that I can do some more creative things with my time. So, in that spirit, I want to do something fun/diy every day this week, whether for myself or with my kids. It will definitely help me keep my mind off this baby...



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