Around the house: Valentine's Day edition

Saturday, February 16, 2013

1-2. There is something about those grocery store cookies that I just can't resist, even though they taste like chemicals. They are just so soft and yummy.
3. Olivia admiring my bouquet.
4. The hubs requested chocolate-covered strawberries on V day, and that is what he got.
5. Ben and I made this lovebot Valentine box for school and I am so proud to report he got first place!
6-7. Getting to use needles to thread pom-poms together.
8-10. Olivia got tired of losing her thread, so she just made Mickey Mouse instead. And hammed it up for the camera.
11-12. These asparagus tarts look pretty enough but they didn't taste so great. In the garbage.
13. Some Valentines we got in the mail from my cousin plus some pretty notebooks I picked up at Target to add to my collection.
14-15. Taught the kids how to make tissue paper flowers, except that I did most of the work.



Anonymous said...

I love how hands-on you are with your kids! So cute. I almost asked you for the asparagus tart recipe, and then scrolled down and read your comment lol hate it when that happens (something looks delicious, but tastes meh)

Keep up the great posts!

Tanya said...

I know, I feel like I'm wasting food when a recipe doesn't turn out. But it was so pretty I had to post it anyway. :)

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