Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Last month I finished a few small projects around the house. Nothing makes me feel more accomplished at the end of the day than when I get something like this done. It just makes it feel like my whole days wasn't spent on housework and meal prep, which is so temporary (gotta do it all again tomorrow), but I have something to show for it. When my life is chaotically busy, these are the types of things that I just never get to, and it actually stresses me out that I know it's waiting on me, but I just can't get to it.

I got a few more prints hung in the play room. I'm doing it slowly so I don't make a bunch of weird decisions that I'll regret later. I find that a room comes together more organically if I take my time and do it slowly, especially when deciding what to hang on the walls.

I strung pom-poms I've been hanging onto on some yarn and hung the garland in the play room over some pictures. I like that it's not too noticeable and doesn't distract too much from the pictures but adds some interest.

Our kids are obsessed with melty beads. That's what we call them, but I think they're also called perler beards? They spend hours putting them together, and there are always some finished ones waiting on me to get the iron out and iron them. Mila had a bunch set aside that she wanted to hang on a string and put up in her room, and we finally got to it. She was so happy.

Ben's Legos have been in a big plastic storage container, and it was such a bad system because it was basically impossible to find anything. This month I decided to get some new storage and separate things out so he could actually play with his Legos. I got the Lego head for the small pieces and a big Lego brick from the big things, and the rest of the little pieces that didn't fit in the head went in a small plastic container. It took forever to get everything sorted and separated and all the men put back together, too. Why do they have to take the hands and heads off?! Why? Ben's been doing a good job of keeping everything organized since then, though, and he's playing with his Legos all the time now.

My last project was sewing a couple of pillow covers from some handmade fabric I bought on Etsy years and years ago. It's just been one of those things that I let sit around for way too long, but this year I'm trying to get all my projects finished up and out of the closets and drawers. It felt good to get this one done, and the girls love them.

Here's to getting more projects done in February!


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