Dating again

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We have been able to go on more dates in the last four weeks than the last four months combined. Natalia and I decided we would take turns watching each other's kids so we could get away for a few hours as often as we can manage it, guilt-free. We don't have a regular babysitter, and frankly, I'm not itching to have to pay one either. It's almost easier to just stay home, you know? And now we don't have to feel guilty our parents are watching our kids after work while we're out having fun.

On our first date we went up in the mountains overlooking the city with burritos, dessert, and coffee and just chatted and relaxed. It was just what we needed, and we realized just how much a change of scenery does us good.

This past weekend we went on a bike ride along the river, had gyros and hummus for dinner, then rode back in the dark with flashlights strapped on to our handlebars that we bought last-minute at the drug store. Pretty exciting stuff! Again, just the change of scenery was sooo nice for us. I've noticed that B gets consumed with work problems and can't change gears and just focus on having a good time together. It's almost like we've forgotten how to talk about anything else. So we're working on leaving all our problems and work concerns behind and not talking about them when we're on a date. It's the biggest happiness-buster there is, and that's no fun on a date! We've not been that successful yet, but I'm sure we'll get there.

We owe Natalia and Yury a date now, and then who knows what we'll think of doing next! ;) All I know is I can't wait.



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