Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mid-Week Date Night

The husband took me to hear Chonda Pierce in her Live Love Laugh tour recently, which gave us the opportunity to take our little '91 Mazda Miata out on the road for the first time.  It was the best feeling, driving down the road with my hair whipping all around.  I just tried not to grin.

 Warren Barfield opened for Chonda, and his talk was all about how his marriage almost ended in divorce, but both he and his wife decided they wanted to fight for it.  Loved his message--whatever is worth having, we need to be fighting for it, because the devil is always fighting against us.  Chonda had all kinds of hilarious things to say about Christians in general and how each denomination has a certain way of doing things.  That lady is not afraid to speak her mind!  It wasn't all funny, though, because she talked about her childhood and her battle with deep depression.  We also got to sponsor a little girl from Rwanda through Food for the Hungry.  I don't know how people refrained from sponsoring a child after Warren's talk.  He has persuasive speeches down pat.

Funny story.  B almost didn't make it inside because on our way in, we didn't see one man walking in.  Only groups and groups of women.  I promised him there would be more inside (and there were), but they were all sorely outnumbered.  And of course Chonda took the opportunity to give them a hard time about it.  :)

Too bad that little convertible is a two-seater, because that means we're not taking it out much unless we put the kids in the trunk.  We'll take what we can get, I guess!



  1. Sounds like an awesome concert. Love your last comment about putting the kids in the trunk, if you take the convirtible out.. ha ha


  2. Look at you young guns, riding around in a convertible, no kids!
